Picture #26 digitally painted, Bernie hearing the noise in the wood-burning stove

Saturday is chore day. Between loading the washing machine and the clothes dryer I colored this image using my iPad Pro and Procreate. I used the the Frankentoon Nautika brushes for this image. In particular I like the Nautika Ink, Sponge Build-Up, and the Poster Marker. I use the Classic Inker for inking the line work. The color palette is from Frankentoon’s Crayon brush pack. Having a simple, coordinated color palette is a big deal for me.

I’m using Squarespace for this blog. All in all it’s an easy way to post quickly. It can auto-post to my Tumblr site. The only problem is that the images are not imported to Tumblr; there’s only a link back to the Squarespace image. This means that anyone logged to the Tumblr dashboard won’t see the any of the images unless they click on the link, which isn’t likely. Starting with this post I’m going to stop auto posting. I’ll have to go to Tumblr and manually update that blog. “What a drag!” said the lazy man.

2019_03_01_the_chimney 2.jpg