Continuity troubles

Now that I’m working in Kindle Create, I’m able to distance myself a little from my precious art and look at the book as a reader might look at it. And I see many annoying continuity problems that I missed while I was making the pictures.

In some cases I didn’t paint Momma’s shoes the right color; Buddy’s shoes are white instead of his signature red; Jimmy’s arm should be blue and his shoes should be cyan. In one drawing, I forgot to turn on the linework layer and the image is just a blur of colors. As for the text, the fonts are screwed up — the text font is supposed to be Goudy Old Style, but in some places it’s Minion, inDesign’s default font. These little details all add up to a sloppy mess that I have to fix before I can move on to the next step, publishing.

Here’s an example of missing colors.

gotta_paint_shoes.png continuity problems, production, editing, children's picture book