Busy Day in Southern Oregon

My partner is traveling South to visit here family in the Bay Area. We spent the day preparing for her journey. She did this week’s shopping (so I would have food over the weekend) and she did her Saturday chores (chores are a big thing in our household). Afterwards we went to Medford to take care of some business: going to the DMV to get our clean air certificate for the car, going to the Carhart store to get her some cool overalls (she loves overalls), and going to Chipotle to get some vegan burritos.

My artistic contributions for today were to prepare OBS for the screencasts I’ll be making for my outside job, and I experimented with Clip Studio’s AI coloring, but I can see that it doesn’t know how to paint within the lines — it behaves more like a soft airbrush. AI coloring is interesting concept. I hope CSP keeps improving it.