Al Fresco Art Club, April 18, 2021 -- Express an emotion



Today’s art club challenge was to draw an emotion. I chose Keanu Reeves heart-wrenching “Noooooooooo!” wail in Break Point. This expression was my actual reaction after trying to watch his latest movie, Bill and Ted Face the Music. It was abominable and unwatchable. I quit watching after 10 minutes. It was a waste of $5.99. and, worse, a waste of 10 precious minutes.

Chore Day, April 17, 2021: Yard work galore

More dolphin sketches…

More dolphin sketches…

Today’s chores were vacuuming, laundry, yard work galore, and cooking up a huge pot of spaghetti sauce that I’ll be able to live on for a week.

The yard work was the big deal of the day — sawing tree trunks into small chunks and putting the summer drip irrigation buckets in order. Hard work, but satisfying when I look back on it.

As a reward for doing so much manual labor, tonight I’m going to was Bill and Ted Face the Music.