Replacing CMYK Images with sRGB Images

Today I fixed the only error in my ePub export: “Missing <li> element for <ol>”. In plain language, InDesign exported an empty table of contents that should have had a list of items in “<li>” tags. InDesign isn’t handling an arcane ePub 3 requirement correctly. The error occurs when there’s no explicit table of contents. It’s not a big deal, but it took hours of searching to find the workaround. The fix is to give the TOC a name, even though there’s no TOC. In the Export ePub panel, replace the default TOC name of “None” with “File name.”

I spent the rest of the day removing two unnecessary background images. I tidied up the half-title page and made it look more like the title page, and I replaced the print version’s CMYK images with the eBook’s sRGB images — I’ll be working on that project tomorrow.

For my daily sketch I copied some Jack Hamm cartoon characters. I sketched these figures with a pencil and then inked them. I use a Rotring Tikky 0.1mm for the lines and a Copic brush pen for the black areas. The Tikky’s are awesome.

jack_hamm_exercises-01092020_blog.png Jack Hamm, "Drawing & Cartooning for Laughs", sketch, InDesign, Children's picture book, tidying up