I Struck a Blow for Art Today

Today I pounded the keyboard doing technical writing at my day job until long after the closing bell. It had to be done. To save the day, I managed to show up at the drawing board, if only to open Krita to the page I’m working on to take this screenshot. I just want to say, my dear third book, that I’m thinking of you every day and I’m here to check up on you. You’re here, and I’m here. The day will come that I can give you some love.

In the meantime, my wife is flying off to visit her sister for the weekend. I’ll be in charge of the boys for four straight days. I can do it — I know I can. Between the two them they don’t even weigh 20 pounds. I’m 800% heavier than the two of them. My strategy is to wear them out by taking them on very long walks. Of course, that may also wear me out.