Page 12 Brings A New Character...A Bottle Nose Dolphin Named Doreen

My daily schedule goes like this. I get up at 6am and walk Willy. Then I make breakfast, which is usually a banana-kale-chocolate smoothie. After breakfast I study Japanese for 30 minutes, then I go to work on my real world job by 8:30am. At 10:30am I work out and mediate for 90 minutes, then have lunch at noon. After cooking and eating and doing the dishes I start the second part of my day by 1:30pm. I take an afternoon break at 4:00pm and walk Willy and hang out outside for a while, if the weather allows. After the break I go back to the studio and continue working. At 7pm I wrap up any loose ends and create a post for this blog. When the blog is submitted, it’s automatically sent to my Tumblr page, The images are not transferred automatically so I open Tumblr and add the image to the page. From 8pm to 9pm is family time. My day ends at 10pm when I go to bed. I always read at night before I go to sleep. Always.

That’s what my ideal day looks like, but it’s not always ideal, especially when I’m working at a job outside of the house. There are always emergencies and problems that interrupt my blissful groove. At those times, I have to steal time from my art projects, never from family time or reading time.

Second Version of Page 8, Kids Swimming for Their Lives

Here’s my second version of page 8, in which the kids are trying to get to a drifting rowboat. Waves are hard,

My day went like this: Up at 6 am, walked Willy, ate breakfast and studied Japanese for 45 minutes. After than I checked my email, and at 9:45 I worked out and meditated until 11:30 am. I then cooked lunch, ate it, cleaned up the kitchen and sat down at my desk to work on my book. It was 1:30 pm.

An hour later I couldn’t keep my eyes open. At 2:30 I took a nap and got back to my desk at 3:00 pm. At 4 pm I took Willy for his afternoon walk, then got back to work. At 6:00 pm I took a shower, then spent time working on this picture.

At 7:30 I started writing this post, and now I’m going to publish it.