The Magic of Tiny Bits of Dried Bananas

Today would normally have been chore day, but I spent the day as a dog walker. I took two long walks with Nacho. The first was in serious downpour. It was fun watching him trying to bite the rain. The second was a lovely, balmy evening walk. The exasperating thing about my dogs is that Willie the Pomeranian hates Nacho’s puppy high jinks. Nacho can’’t help but annoy Willie. Whenever they’re in the same room, I have to find something they’re more focused on than each other. The magic that keeps them focused on me is a pocketful of tiny bits of dried banana. While I’m training them to sit, wait, come, down, they’re all ears.

Anyway, I’m working on a line drawing of Jane Austen. Maybe I’ll be able to finish it tomorrow, so long as I don’t run out of banana treats.