Redrawing a Picture of Jimmy Standing by the Chimney.

Today I decided to correct the cover image. As you can see, there’s too much missing. I drew the image thinking I would put it into a frame, or have the picture flush with the side of the page. And I decided to redraw the chimney itself. Months ago I cavalierly drew it as a cylinder, and for the rest of the book I drew it as a box. So, I opened the original image in Affinity Photo for iPad and started changing it up. The first thing I did was to flip it horizontally, expand the canvas, and start sketching.

The biggest problem I have is matching the style of the original lines, which were drawn with a fine liner on semi-transparent layout paper, then accidentally scanned on the wrong side. Hence, the appealing blurry, almost glowing line. I’d be pleased, indeed, to get that charming, messy look digitally.

It’s a work in progress for sure.

He’s on the wrong side of the chimney, and the chimney is cylindrical, not boxy.

He’s on the wrong side of the chimney, and the chimney is cylindrical, not boxy.

There are 8 layers showing here.

There are 8 layers showing here.