Sunday, Feb 6, 2021 -- Artrage Vitae monkey business and typing 35 words a minute

I’ve tried many painting apps in my haphazard quest to learn how to paint — Painter, Photoshop, Procreate, Art Studio Pro, Krita, Clip Studio Paint, Rebelle, and on and on and on. I know the my slow progress is my fault, not the fault of any software program. First, my knowledge of the skull is civilian level. Even though I have a skill, I’m not clear on how to draw it or paint it. But my ignorance of anatomy doesn’t deter me — I just keep on drawing the same 3/4 head day after day, with one program after another and they all look the same. Today I used Artrage Vitae to paint my daily skull. I like Artrage a lot. If feels like what I imagine real oil painting feels like.

While I was typing this post I made dozens of typos. I’m going to work on improving my typing. I timed myself yesterday. I type 35 words a minute, If I could remove the errors, I’d be able to type about 45 wpm. It looks like my typing is about 25% errors. Yikes!

First Day of my contract job

Testing Artrage VItae

Today I opened the floodgates and the new adventurers began flowing into the building. The first week is the easiest as the newcomers adjust to their surroundings. It gets real starting with week two. Not everyone will make it to the end. How many will survive? Only time will tell.

Besides my job, I’ve been watching some Artrage videos and I’m feeling drawn back into it. The oil brushes, in the hands of real painters, are convincing. Now, it’s up to me to become a real painter. That should be a cinch for me because my mommy always told me I could do anything I want to do. Unfortunately, she didn’t anticipate that the things I would want to do take thousands of hours of practice to become proficient, and a lifetime of dedication to become really good. It’s that old Ars longa. Vita brevis thing again.

But really, isn’t it great to pursue a goal that is so grand that cannot be mastered in a single lifetime?