Chore day, Dec 18, 2021

A Pomeranian done with Rebelle 5

Today I did the laundry, vacuumed the house, and walked Nacho the Pug. Tomorrow I’m going to do some cooking: a golden curry with tofu and a big pot of borscht. All of the food is vegan, and it’s delicious.

I had an hour to explore Rebelle 5 and ended up sketching and painting a Pomeranian. I used a reference even though I have a Pomeranian sleeping next to my desk. Willy has zero interest in anything I do and I don’t want to inconvenience him — he’s really cranky when I wake him from one of his precious naps.

Al Fresco Art Club, Aug 9, 2020: The New Media Challenge

Today my challenge was to use a new medium. I chose Holbein Irodori Antique watercolors, which I happened to have in my art supply pantry. I’ve had these watercolors for years but never tried them. I was under the impression that they lacked transparency, but I was wrong. When used as a light wash they’re just fine.

In this picture you can see my Pomeranian confronting one of the bucks that roam the streets of Ashland. Look at that guy: big antlers, camoflage pants, wifebeater undershirt, open container, and a really big knife. But Chico was a fearless 8-pound gladiator. Check out that crazy look in his eye.

The Calendar and the Pomeranian

I ordered my Zazzle calendar today. It printed up great. In this picture I look insane because my wife insisted on taking a thousand smiling pictures and then a thousand not-smiling pictures.

calendar_blog.jpg Calendar, Zazzle, pen and ink, watercolor

Al Fresco Art Club Update: On the other hand, I was completely sane when I drew and painted this non-Pomeranian at the Al Fresco Art Club yesterday. I’ve drawn and painted a thousand Pomeranians and no two of them look alike, or like a Pomeranian. That’s the kind of talent I’m talking about — my talent for imperfection.

pomveranian_blog-12232019.png Pomeranian, pen and  ink, watercolor

Another chore day, with a twist

My usual Saturday chore is to do the laundry, but today I added one more task: cooking up some food for my dogs. I’ve decided to feed them a plant-based diet based on the Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats. Since I’ve adopted a plant-based diet for myself, I wanted to offer my furry children the same healthy food. So, I spent the morning cooking up some black bean and sweet potato “burgers.” The boys loved them. I had one for lunch myself. A good time was had by all.

Lately I’ve been practicing painting using Artrage. I’ll be using Artrage for my next project. It’s going to be called Jimmy and Buddy Go to Mexico.

As for the children’s book topic… I spent a few hours working in inDesign adjusting all of the images so that they bled to the edges of the frame.