Chore Day, Feb 2 6, 2022 with some time to work on page 61

Once I add the tabby cat’s stripes I can move on to page 62. There are more than 75 pages in this book, up from about 48 in the previous book. More pages means I have to charge more to break even, which is good enough. The money from sales is nice, but wait until Hollywood/Netflix/Prime/Hulu start a bidding war for the rights. Hey, I’m just kidding, but not really. Stranger things have happened.

Continuing with page 61 floating cat

Another inch forward. Notice that the volcano demon has red shoes. How she’s floating, I do not know. It just seems that a magical volcano demon should be able to float a little while she’s releasing all of the Moai from the spell she cast on them when she was in an evil mood.

Chore Day, October 2, 2021 and Painting Cat Fur

Today’s chores: laundry and vacuuming. Nacho the Pug assisted me with the laundry by going into all of the forbidden nooks and crannies of our laundry area. He also helped by trying to sneak his unicorn plushy up the stairs, which he is forbidden to do. The stairs are steeper than is safe for a pug, but he’s unaware that anything in the world is would ever do him harm, and I want to keep it that way.

I had about 30 minutes to work on painting stripes on my tabby cat. I found a brush that simulates hair and gave it a try. Perhaps the brush is overkill. Simple stripes painted with a watercolor brush might work better.

Drawing Stripes on a Tabby Cat

The next step is to give the volcano demon some stripes. I’ll use a reference to make sure that stripes look right. Clip Studio Paint has panel for collecting reference photos for a project. For this bookI have images of Easter Island, moai, cats, burros, dolphins, Swansea kit, buckets, giraffes, and gas masks. Very cool.